Expired£119 – 2-night Cumbria stay with meals, save 43%

Nent Hall Country Hotel is in the North Pennines Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, close to Hadrian’s Wall. Two-night stays at this rural retreat are now £119 for two and save up to 43% on the usual cost. Includes two nights’ accommodation, full Cumbrian breakfast and £20pp dining credit. Fully refundable voucher.

When You Can Go
Sun-Thu 1 Oct-23 Dec, 2020; 1-28 Feb, 2021; +£15 Fri-Sat

Refundable voucher
Secure this deal now and choose your travel dates when you’re ready. Or, get a 100% refund if you don’t go.

How to Book: Purchase a voucher from Travelzoo then call the hotel directly at 01434 381 584 to make a reservation for your desired travel dates. Reservations are subject to availability and early booking is encouraged. Restaurant reservations are subject to availability; please call the hotel ahead of your visit to confirm availability. If your dates are not available, contact Travelzoo for a full refund.

Cancellation and Other Hotel Policies: Once reservations have been made, if you decide not to travel, first cancel with the hotel (up to three days prior to arrival), then contact us for a refund. Menu items are subject to change. Cannot be combined with any other offer. No cash value or cash back. Prices quoted are based on the maximum value of the items included in the package at time of publication. The photos are for illustration purposes only. If you experience any difficulties booking, please contact our Customer Service team for assistance before the voucher expiration date.

£119 – 2-night Cumbria stay with meals, save 43%
£119 – 2-night Cumbria stay with meals, save 43%
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